This semester, I took a writing class that focused on graphic novels. We read Watchmen, Maus and many others. I also read on my own a novel called Blankets by Craig Thompson, which is was my absolute favorite (go, read it now!). It has been a really cool class because I had never actually read a graphic novel before that (pretty pathetic for an artist huh?). Anyway, our final in the class was to draw a comic about a paper we had written earlier in the semester. My paper had been on my experience in becoming a Christian and getting into ministry. Needless to say, I had a lot of fun with this assignment... if you would like to read it, the pages are below.
This is my friend Megan Sobocinski (She is the one on the right in the picture). She was very persistent about this caricature, so I am glad to be done just so she will leave me alone... I am actually very happy how this one turned out :)
It's done... I decided to end my college basketball career... It has to do with a lot of things, one of which is that this blog has been very empty for a while, meaning I have barely has any time to do art. I have sacrificed art for basketball since I have been playing it, and I am excited at the prospect of being able to do more of it. Hopefully, there will much more frequent posting happening to this blog. Here are some pieces I did quickly last night, just enjoying my new found freedom!
Here is my comic for the school newspaper this week as well: